The Dollar Cost of Having Mould in Your Home

When you find mould growing in your home, take it seriously and get rid of it fast.

Delaying removal gives the mould more time to spread and potentially cause damage. This can lead to a significant financial burden for the homeowner. Consequently, the larger it is, the more time and effort needs to be put into removing it. 

In this article, we will discuss the financial implications of having a mould infestation in your home.

What are the Costs of Mould?

The cost of mould removal and remediation varies significantly on the extent of the infestation. On average, professional mould remediation can cost anywhere from $400 to $6,000.

However, the price can soar into the tens of thousands if the infestation problem is severe. If the home has recently been flooded and the mould is throughout it, much more has to be done. As a result, this could drive a remediation cost up to $10,000 – $30,000, or higher, depending on the home’s size.

Home repairs may also be required depending on several factors like the type of mould, how large the infestation is and how long it’s been present. Consequently, if it has spread through multiple rooms and behind walls, more time and resources need to be used.

A small-scale example would be replacing insulation from behind your walls that’s been infested with mould. If you can discover it before it spreads past the insulation, you can save some dollars. The next step up would be replacing wooden wall framing that’s been eaten away from the mould. Here are some signs to keep in mind when checking around your home for mould behind walls.

In extreme cases, mould can cause irreparable damage to a home’s structure. For example, a large section of a roof or a building’s foundation being infested. These are the most severe occasions where the home’s structure is compromised. In these instances, repair work can be more expensive than repairs due to the infestation’s extent.

Something similar recently occurred in 2019 to the Austin family with a home they purchased in Ontario. After both the children and parents fell ill, they discovered mould within the home’s foundation and had to relocate. You can read more about their experience in a CTV news article.

Can you Do it Yourself?

In some smaller cases, homeowners can take care of the mould themselves. Furthermore, you can get rid of it using standard tools and cleaning supplies you may already have at home. Altering the home’s humidity can also play a significant role in preventing its return. 

However, to be sure, you should always have a professional inspection done first. Mould can still grow back, and sometimes there is more than meets the eye. An assessment provides homeowners with some peace of mind and an understanding of the mould’s current status and its cost to eradicate.

Before attempting to tackle mould on your own, we recommend reading our blog on DIY mould removal compared to hiring a professional.

The Government of Canada’s website states: 

“You may wish to seek advice on how you can address moisture and mould problems in your home. A qualified professional with experience dealing with moisture issues and mould could examine your home’s condition and document your concerns. They would identify the problems, find their sources and suggest solutions in a written report.”
You can read their full publication here

What a Mould Removal/Remediation Professional Will Do:

Mould remediation companies will clean up your mould in a few days if just some washing and removing carpet is involved, or in a few weeks if demolition and rebuilding are required.
Generally, the cleanup process entails:

  • Removing water-damaged, mould-infested materials.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting walls, carpet, and personal items.
  • Removing drywall and studs if mould damage is extensive.
  • Vacuuming with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filtration.

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