7 Must-Know Mould Safety Tips For Winter

According to mould statistics, nearly half of all homes have problems with damp and mould. That’s a big problem. Mould can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks and can even secrete toxic substances.

Those with weaker immune systems, such as children and the elderly are particularly at risk. Is your home causing you health problems? 

It can be hard to know if your home is growing mould. Sometimes it’s not visible or in usually unseen places. Wherever it is found, mould should be removed

We’re here to teach you five important mould safety tips. Want to keep your home safe for all its inhabitants? Then read on!

1. Keep Humidity at a Safe Level

We know how harsh winter air can be. As the air dries out, it leaves us with a whole host of unpleasant symptoms including dry throats and itchy skin. While a humidifier can help, it shouldn’t be left running in overdrive.

One of the most important mould safety tips is to keep the humidity around 45 per cent. If it is any higher than this, you’ll be encouraging mould growth

If your humidifier allows it, set the target humidity to be 45 per cent and let it turn off after that.

2. Set the Right Temperature

Set your thermostat to stay between 17 and 25 degrees Celcius (70 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit) to help maintain energy efficiency while preventing moisture buildup in your home. If you leave your house or go on vacation, make sure to drop the temperature to 17 degrees Celcius or turn it off completely.

3. Use Fans

Mould needs moisture to grow. By always a fan in your bathroom and kitchen will make it harder for fungus to grow in your home. Keep in mind that they are not powerful enough to dry out very damp areas so you may also have to wipe the wet areas with a cloth too.

4. Dry Up Any Damp Areas

Sometimes, dampness is unavoidable in winter. If your pipes are giving off heat, they’ll often attract condensation. Mirrors and windows are going to have issues with condensation after you shower or in the mornings. Wipe mirrors, windows and windowsills with a dry cloth to remove moisture. If left damp, even small patches of dampness encourage mould growth. Keeping everything dry stops this at its source.

5. Follow Your Nose

Mould can sometimes be almost impossible to spot. But mould cannot hide from your nose. If you’ve ever left wet socks or towels in a bag for too long, you’ll know the smell: it’s earthy and musty. 

If you catch a whiff of this unpleasant smell in your home, try and track it down. See where it gets stronger and where the smell fades. This way, you’ll be sure to find where the problem is.

6. Keep Your Gutters Clean

Having clean gutters means that water can escape more easily. This means that it’s less likely to get into your house or cause dampness. 

Cleaning gutters is an unpleasant job, but easy to do. If your gutters frequently get blocked, consider buying gutter guards.

6. Wear a Mould Safety Mask If Attempting Removal

If you decide to try and remove the mould yourself, wear personal protection. A mould safety mask is particularly important. Look for one that has an N-95 filter or better. 

Wearing one of these stops you from breathing in mould spores, which can lead to serious health problems. 

Mould Safety Tips: When to Call Us

If your house has a serious case of mould, and you can’t remove it yourself, you need our help. Get in touch with us and our professionals will get your house back to normal in no time. 

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